Diploma in Radiation Technology Part-II
October - 2016
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Attempt any FIVE questions)
2. write short note on :
a. Dacryocystography
b. Sinography
c. Mammography
d. Lymphangiography
3. Write in Brief about:
3. Write in Brief about:
a. Evaluation of billary Tract
b. Myelography
4. Write short notes on:
4. Write short notes on:
a. First Aid
b. Importance of Temperature, Pulse, Respiration & blood pressure monitoring.
5. Describe various technique used to evaluate the central nervous system.
6. Describe in Brief :
a. Barium Meal
b. Barium Enema
7. Write short notes on :
a. Maintenance of MLC(medico-legal case) record & verification of marks of identification.
b. Radiaiton Hazards
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