Diploma in Radiation Technology - II
July - 2020
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Attempt any FIVE questions)
(b) The ten day rule
(c) Radiography of children in X-ray department.
(d) Scout radiography in IVP
2. Describe Barium meal technique
3. Describe intravenous urography technique.
4. Write short notes on:
a. Carotid angiography
b. Micturating cysto-urethrography
5. Write short notes on :
a. Abdominal preparation prior to radiological investigation.
b. Hysterosalpingography
6. Write short Notes:
6. Write short Notes:
a. Sialography
b. Sinography
7. Write short notes on :
a. Importance of radiographic records.
b. Procedures adopted in accident cases.
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