Diploma in Radiation Technology Part-II Examination
October - 2017
Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100
(Q. No. 1 is compulsory, Attempt any FIVE questions from Q. No. 2 to Q. No. 7)
2. write short note on
a. Cysto-urethrogram.
b. T-tube cholangiogram
c. Splenoportovenography
3. Write in brief about:
3. Write in brief about:
a. Hystero-salpingography
b. Sterile technique in OT
4. Write short notes on:
4. Write short notes on:
a. Preparation of patient, contrast media and technique for myelography
b. Cleanliness of mobile unit or C-arm
5. Describe Describe various technique used to evaluate the kidney, ureter and urinary bladder.
6. Describe in brief :
a. Mammography
b. CT-cisternogram
7. Write short notes on:
a. What is precaution in MLC (Medico-legal case) Radiography and Maintenance its record?
b. Carotid angiography
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