Diploma in radiation Technology part-II(Supplementary) Examination
paper -IV
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 100
(Q. No. 1 is compulsory, Attempt any FIVE questions from Q. No. 2 TO Q. No. 7)
(रेडियोग्राफी पेपर्स में राजस्थान यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ हेल्थ साइंस जयपुर तथा राजस्थान पैरामेडिकल कौंसिल जयपुर के पिछले सालो के पेपर्स का संकलन किया गया है जिन्हे आप ड्रापडाउन मेनू में प्राप्त कर सकते है तथा इनके आंसर à¤ी www.radiographyinhindi.blogspot.com पर उपलब्ध है जिन्हे इस लिंक पर क्लिक करके पाया जा सकता है|)
1. Write short notes on:
a) Leadership authority responsibility.
b) Interpersonal relations.
c) Soap water enema.
d) Explanation of hospital charts.
e) CLeaning of rubber & polythene goods.
2. Rules & regulation of hospital management.
3. Discuss on patient care during radiological procedures.
4. Discuss on human relation and personality development.
5. Explain in detail about biomedical waste.
6. a) Licensing & registration procedure.
2. Rules & regulation of hospital management.
3. Discuss on patient care during radiological procedures.
4. Discuss on human relation and personality development.
5. Explain in detail about biomedical waste.
6. a) Licensing & registration procedure.
b) Total quality management.
7. a) Training & monitoring.
b) Storage and distribution of reported films.
7. a) Training & monitoring.
b) Storage and distribution of reported films.
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