Diploma IInd year Radiation Technology
Time - Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 100
Question NO. 1 is Compulsory
Attempt any FIVE from rest of the questions.
Attempt any FIVE from rest of the questions.
1. Explain the image formation process in digital radiography system and how it is different from CR system.
2. a) Differentiate between Mobile X-ray unit and portable x-ray unit.
b) Differentiate between ultrasonography and colour Doppler.
3. a) Compare the X-ray tubes of Mammography imaging system and x-ray imaging system.
b) Describe importance of pet scan
4. Explain in brief about the construction and working of Multi slice CT scan.
5. Write short notes on the following :
a) Gamma camera
b) Radiopharmaceuticals
d) Image intensifier
6. Describe the structure of a Transducer and explain various types of transducers.
7. Write short notes on the following :
a) DSA
b) MRI
c) Spectroscopy
d) Laser camera
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