Diploma IInd year Radiation Technology
Time - Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 100
Question NO. 1 is Compulsory
Attempt any FIVE from rest of the questions.
Attempt any FIVE from rest of the questions.
1. Write in short about :
a) What are ultrasound waves ?
b) What are electromagnetic waves ?
c) What is the principle of PET scanning.
d) Printers used in ultrasonography.
2. Describe in detail principle of colour Doppler and its applications.
3. Write in brief about :
a) Mammography
b) DSA
4. Write in detail about principle of MR imaging.
5. Write short notes on :
a) Laser camera
b) Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
6. Write in detail about discovery, evolution, various types and generation of a CT scanner.
7. Write in brief about :
a) Picture archiving and communication system (PACS)
b) Image intensifiers.
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