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Rajasthan Paramedical Diploma Courses Exam July - 2018
Diploma in Radiaiton Technology - I
Dark Room Procedure

Paper - IV
Time: Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 100
(Attempt any FIVE questions)

 (रेडियोग्राफी पेपर्स à¤®ें à¤°ाजस्थान यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ हेल्थ साइंस जयपुर à¤¤à¤¥ा à¤°ाजस्थान पैरामेडिकल कौंसिल जयपुर à¤•े à¤ªिछले सालो के पेपर्स का संकलन à¤•िया गया है जिन्हे आप à¤¡्रापडाउन मेनू à¤®ें प्राप्त कर सकते है तथा इनके आंसर भी à¤ªà¤° उपलब्ध है जिन्हे इस à¤²िंक à¤ªà¤° à¤•्लिक à¤•à¤°à¤•े पाया जा सकता है|)

1. Describe the various components of developer and fixer solutions. Write the steps of manual film processing.

2. Write short notes on : 
          a) Radiographic Grid

          b) Motion unsharpness

3. Describe the diffrent types of x-ray beam restrictors. Describe the collimator box in detail and draw the labelled diagram.

 4. Write short notes on:
          a) Film fog

           b) Focal spot

           c) Scatter radiaiton

           d) Safe light

5. Define the radiographic contrast. Describe the factors influencing the film contrast. Draw and explain the characteristic curve of film.

6. Write short notes on: 
           a) X-ray film 

           b) Anode 

           c) Types of Darkroom

           d) Beam restrictors

7. What are the various precautions that must be taken during handling of films in the dark room ? Describe the storage of x-ray films in the department.

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