Diploma in Radiation Technology Part-II (Supplementary) Examination May-2018
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 100
(Q. No 1 is compulsory, Attempt any FIVE questions from Q. No. 2 to Q. No. 7)
b) Write properties of X-ray.
c) Why we use tungsten as target in X-ray tube
2.a) Describe the photon particle interaction with matter.
2.a) Describe the photon particle interaction with matter.
b) Explain Half Value Thickness (HVT)
3. Write short note on :
3. Write short note on :
a) Roentgen
b) Absorbed dose.
c) Effective dose equivalent.
d) Full form of ICRP, AERB, ICRU, DAE.
4. What are radiaiton hazards. Write permissible dose limit of occupational works and general public as recommended by ICRP.
5. Write short note on :
4. What are radiaiton hazards. Write permissible dose limit of occupational works and general public as recommended by ICRP.
5. Write short note on :
a) Cobalt teletherapy unit.
b) Brachytherapy machine.
6. a) Write the common three technique (TDS) protect from radiaiton.
6. a) Write the common three technique (TDS) protect from radiaiton.
b) Name of personnel monotoring. Explain in detail TLD personnel monotoring.
7. Write short notes on :
7. Write short notes on :
a) X-ray filter
b) Grid & Grid ratio
c) Wedge filters
d) TAR, PDD & pneumbra
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