Paper- III
Time: Three Hours
Exam Time Table
1. Describe in brief
(a) Principle of ultrasound
(a) Principle of ultrasound
(b) Types of Transducer
2. Describe in brief
(a) Basic Principle of MRI
(a) Basic Principle of MRI
(b) Components of MRI Machine
(c) MR Spectroscopy
3. Describe in brief
(a) CT Principle
(a) CT Principle
(b) Various CT generations
(c) CT number
(d) Multislice CT
4. Write short note on
(a) Mammography
(b) Laser camera
(a) DSA
(b) PACS
(a) Mammography
(b) Laser camera
(a) DSA
(b) PACS
5. Write short note on
(a) TLD
(b) PET Scan
(a) PET-CT
(b) Gamma Camera
(a) TLD
(b) PET Scan
(a) PET-CT
(b) Gamma Camera
6. Write short note on
(a) Image intensifier
(a) Image intensifier
(b) CR System
(a) DR System
7. Write short notes on-
(a) Diffrence between CR and DR system
(b) OPG
8. Write short notes on-
(a) Ultrasound wave
(b) Printers used in usg
9. Write short notes on
(b) Properties of Xray
10. Write short notes on
(A) Digital breat tomosynthesis
(B) Xerography
Note- यह model test paper, RUHS/RPMC के पिछले वर्षो के पेपर्स पर आधारित है, जिनमे परीछा की द्रष्टि से महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नो का समावेश किया गया है, जिनके आंशिक/पूर्ण रूप/बिलकुल भी एग्जाम में नहीं आने पर लेखक की कोई जिम्मेदारी नहीं होगी |
Radiographer objectives question hindi me