Diploma in Radiation Technology Part - II (Supplementary) Examination
Time : 3 hour
Maximum Marks : 100
(Question number 1 is compulsory, Attempt any five questions from Q. N. 2 to Q. N. 7)
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Questions का Answer पता करने के लिए Question पर Click करे |
1. Describe contrast media used in radiology department & their indications and advesre reactions.
2. Write short notes on :
a) T-tube choloangiography
b) Barium swallow
3. Write short note on :
a) Hysterosalpingography
b) Intra venous urography
4. Write short note on :
a) Retrograde urethrogram
5. Describe in detail mammography
6. Describe in brief :
a) Dacrocystography
b) Cerebral angiography
7. Describe in brief :
a) Barium enema
b) Sinography
Questions का Answer पता करने के लिए Question पर Click करे |
1. Describe contrast media used in radiology department & their indications and advesre reactions.
2. Write short notes on :
a) T-tube choloangiography
b) Barium swallow
3. Write short note on :
a) Hysterosalpingography
b) Intra venous urography
4. Write short note on :
a) Retrograde urethrogram
5. Describe in detail mammography
6. Describe in brief :
a) Dacrocystography
b) Cerebral angiography
7. Describe in brief :
a) Barium enema
b) Sinography
Please upload Radiography special 2018 and 2019 ruhs drt 2nd year exam papers
ReplyDeleteThanks for this great post!- This provides good insight.
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