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Diploma in radiation Technology part-II

 July - 2015 
paper -IV
Time : Three Hours 
Maximum Marks : 100
(Q. No. 1 is compulsory, Attempt any FIVE questions from Q. No. 2 TO  Q. No. 7)

 (रेडियोग्राफी पेपर्स à¤®ें à¤°ाजस्थान यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ हेल्थ साइंस जयपुर à¤¤à¤¥ा à¤°ाजस्थान पैरामेडिकल कौंसिल जयपुर à¤•े à¤ªिछले सालो के पेपर्स का संकलन à¤•िया गया है जिन्हे आप à¤¡्रापडाउन मेनू à¤®ें प्राप्त कर सकते है तथा इनके आंसर भी à¤ªà¤° उपलब्ध है जिन्हे इस à¤²िंक à¤ªà¤° à¤•्लिक à¤•à¤°à¤•े पाया जा सकता है|)

1. write short notes on following :

    a) Management

    b) Leadership

    c) First aid

    d) Handling the sterile instruments.

    e) sterilization

2. Explain various patient transfer techniques in radiography.

3. Give a detailed note on preparation of the trays for special investigation.

4. Give a detailed note on staffing of the Healthcare organisation.

5.  a) Give a detailed note on storage of waste films.

     b) Explain treatment and safe disposal of Biomedical Waste.

6. Write about Biohazards of radiation

7.  a) Write a short note on verification of patient's mark of Identity.

     b)write a note on Quality Control and Quality Assurance.

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